
Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Not a great picture by any means, but I do love the way the St. Paul skyline appears when the leaves disappear.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pause, Breathe, Love

We are not our thoughts.
They rise up,
narrating our actions,
but they are not us.

Nor are we our emotions.
They rise up,
influencing our perceptions,
but they are not us.

We are the breath that nourishes us-
the sacred pause
that comes between the moments
that make up our lives.

We are the love that unites us-
the sacred bond
that connects us to all things
and gives meaning to life.

We are pure awareness-
the sacred knowledge
that we must hold both beauty and pain
to be truly alive.

No, we are not our thoughts or emotions.
We are sacred beings-
 luminous, sacred beings-
alive now, and only now.